Welcome to our Podcast Shop. We're excited to see our listeners wear our apperal as you sit back and enjoy our Podcast! 

Don't forget to share your look with us! 



About Us

Gustavo & Mariana


Talklandia; The land of the voice with a population of two and ready for more! Join a brother and a sister with a growing passion to talk about everything beyond what meets the eye.

Our podcast is Available on Apple Itunes, Spotify and SoundCloud. 


A special thank you to our partnering company for making our shirts vision come true - Talklandia Team

By Sandra Starnes

About Choose To LYLO...

Hello Talklandia Listeners! 

Did you notice our Choose to Love Yourself... Choose to Love Others shirt? 

Let us tell you a little bit about it. Our hosts have a growing passion for spreading a welcoming and inclusive mindset. With this passion the word "LYLO" was born. Have you seen this word around? 

       No?!! Whatt... Well we hope that changes. 

LYLO Stand for "Love Yourself Love Others". Why both you may ask? In a world of 7.8+ Billion people, the scale would be off balance if we only thought about ourselves and focused on our happiness only. When we start to want the best for others and the best for ourselves, we start building a selfless love for A L L. 

Do you see the vision? I hope you do, and we truly hope that it bring you happiness and you help us spread the word! 

      So friends, Choose To Love Youself & Choose to Love Others! 

#ChooseLYLO #LYLOMindset #LYLO

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